Tuesday 20 March 2012


They say "big things come in small packages". Well this saying definitely applies to our Bandit. Bandit is a little 2 year old Boston Terrier with a big heart and a big attitude! He loves his cuddle time!! If you are sitting on the floor or in a chair , you may have Bandit pop up onto your lap anytime without warning!! He may be little but he loves to run with the big dogs and can certainly hold his own! Bandit's favorite playcare activities are tugrope (usually with the big dogs!), and playing with bubbles! He just goes crazy after those bubbles! Bandit loves everyone and everyone loves Bandit!!

Monday 12 March 2012


Wow it's been busy here at Ruffhouse! We have welcomed several new dogs into our family! Now that some dust has settled we have time for another blog!
Well, we got into another discussion regarding animal rescue. This time though it was about whether or not rescues should be bringing dogs in from other countries. As with the last blog topic, this one brought about much debate as well. Some of us seem to think that there are so many homeless animals in danger of losing their lives 'in the wild' or through euthanization, in our own backyards! Should we really be bringing more in from out of the country; taking the fostering and adoptive places away from our native animals???? On the flip side, alot of the countries that these animals are taken from don't share the same view of animals as we do here in Canada. As well they do not have the same resources available to them to help their animals.. Is helping animals in other countries any different than our government sending aid to other countries in times of disaster? We are sure some people would say it is totally different! In that instance it is tax dollars being sent. When animals are helped it is through the aid and donations of the animal lovers. We want to hear other peoples opinions regarding this topic so please feel free to comment!!